Thursday, March 11, 2010


About ten years ago, I was on a transatlantic flight watching the updated version of The Parent Trap. I remember thinking that this little redhead was going to be a star. Flash forward to today when the news that this same child is suing over this commercial because the tipsy toddler shares her name. The commercial is hilarious. Lindsay Lohan's mother is expressing her indignation over the use of her daughter's name in this commercial because (of course) everyone knows they are making fun of her child. What I know is this is a mother who failed her daughter years ago.


  1. *sigh*..that girl needs to be slapped.

  2. I'm thinking we're going to wake up one day to the special report that she had OD'd. Someone needs to get this child some help.

  3. His E*Trade game might be tight, but he needs to put some serious work into his creep game.
