Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Yesterday, there was a gas leak at the daycare. Because it was still early in the morning, I found myself staring bleakly out of my car window with the baby in the back seat. Should I make the one hour commute home and try to go back to sleep or run errands a pay bills? As I was driving down the highway, I looked in the rear view mirror at the little one and thought of all the things I did not do with her over the weekend. There was no putting her on her bike outside, no movies, no trip to the park or library. Nothing. I completed a few things necessary, and watched TV in my sweats all weekend.

Looking at her in the mirror, I remembered her snuggling up to me Sunday and saying she wanted to have a “conversation” and how amusing it was. With her head in the crook of my elbow, asked me if I was happy. I lied and told her I was. She smiled and started to sing “The Wheels on the Bus” to me, and I joined in on the second chorus.

I decided to make up this weekend to her despite wanting to go home and hide under the covers. I took out just enough money that wouldn't hurt the budget and we went clothes and toy shopping, to the indoor playground, and had lunch. A few hours later, I was looking at her chocolate smeared face sleeping happily in the mirror on the way home.


  1. Don't stop moving forward - inertia sets in.
    It sounds as though you made the right choice of kickin' it with the little lady.

  2. ^Yeah, we had a lot of fun that day. She deserves that kind of day more often - I'm working on it. Trying not to let the inertia set in. : )
